Cyber attack is raising and threaten ubiquitous world on internet today. Industry and government need cyber security expert to counter and defend from this threat. Cyber Security Program offer dedicated degree in cyber security assurance and defence by giving students technical expertise they need to confidently enter cyber war. Cyber Security is designed specifically by Computer Science, BINUS UNIVERSITY to provide students with knowledge and expertise to penetrate testing system and network, design and implementation of cyber defense architecture in the field of cyber security. Cyber Security Program was found in 2015, under BINUS UNIVERSITY, it became one of the best programs under coordination of School of Computer Science and supported by government.
Cyber Security Program designed to adapt to changing cyber attack and defend landscape while ensuring a solid academic foundation and aligned to industry and government expectation. Cyber Security focuses on cyber security assurance and cyber defense. Course structures its program to allow students to gain valuable concept and practical experience in conducting penetration test and also to apply knowledge in building cyber defense architecture and technology. Cyber Security Program has a strong base in computer science foundation subject as well as offering theoretical and critical thinking behind the current cyber technology. Students learn in a project-orientated environment that encourages collaboration with industries and government and helps them to discover cyber threat challenge and build system defense. Students are encouraged to collaborate, work to deadlines, maintain attendance levels and develop strong communication skills. As a result, the graduates are internationally renowned for their expertise and confidence to enter the workplace as entry-level skilled professionals rather than technicians.
Catalog 2016/ B2020 (PDF),
Catalog 2017/ B2021 (PDF),
Catalog 2018/ B2022 (PDF),
Catalog 2019/ B2023 (PDF),
Catalog 2020/ B2024 (PDF),
Catalog 2021/ B2025 (PDF),
Catalog 2022/ B2026 (PDF),
Catalog 2023/ B2027 (PDF),
Catalog 2024/ B2028 (PDF)