IndoMS Journal on Industrial and Applied Mathematics
ISSN 2252-5939
c/o Jurusan Matematika, School of Computer Science
Universitas Bina Nusantara
Kampus Syahdan, Palmerah, Jakarta 11480, Indonesia
Telp. +62 21 5350660, Fax. +62 21 5300244
Website : http://socs.binus.ac.id/indoms-jiam/
E-mail: jiam.indoms@gmail.com
Editor in Chief:
Prof. Dr. Roberd Saragih, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung
Managing Editor:
Wikaria Gazali, S.Si., M.T., Universitas Bina Nusantara, Jakarta
Executive Editor :
Prof. Dr. Leo H. Wiryanto ,Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung
Editorial Boards:
Prof. Dr. Asep K. Supriatna, M.S. (Unpad)
Prof. Dr. Basuki Widodo, M.Sc. (ITS)
Prof. Dr. Djati Kerami (UI)
Prof. Dr. Edi Cahyono (Unhalu)
Prof. Dr. Happy Lumbantobing, M.Si. (Uncen)
Prof. Dr. Moh. Ivan Azis (UNHAS)
Prof. Dr. Stefanus Budi Waluya (UNNES)
Prof. Sudradjat Supian, Ph.D. (Unpad)
Prof. Dr. Drs. Tulus, M.Si. (USU)
Dr. Ir. Agus Suryanto, M.Sc. (UB)
Dr. Agus Yodi Gunawan (ITB)
Dr. Diah Chaerani (Unpad)
Dr. Erna Apriliani, M.Si. (ITS)
Dr. Indah E Wijayanti (UGM)
Dr. Janson Naiborhu (ITB)
Lina Aryati, Dra., M.S., Dr. rer. nat. (UGM)
Muhammad Syamsuddin, Ph.D. (ITB)
Dr. Novriana Sumarti (ITB)
Dr. Rinovia Mery G. Simanjuntak (ITB)
Dr. Salmah, M.Si. (UGM)
Sri Redjeki Pudjaprasetya, Ph.D. (ITB)
Dr. Widowati, M.Si. (Undip)
Editorial Staff :
Bayu Kanigoro, S.Kom., M.T., Universitas Bina Nusantara
IndoMS Journal on Industrial and Applied Mathematics is published twice in a year, in January and July.
Editor receives original research papers in the main area of applied mathematics and the paper have not been published previously or simultaneously under consideration for publication by other media.
In preparing the manuscript, please follow the templete for authors attached on back cover.