To-Be-Recorded Analysis inside Derivative Code Compiler
by Muhsin Shodiq, Boris Gendler, Uwe Naumann
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Software Technology and Engineering, pages 7-13. ASME Press, 2011
The Relevance of Wavy Beds as Shoreline Protection
by Viska Noviantri, Pudjaprasetya S.R.
Proceedings of the 13th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics. Bangladesh. 2011
Spatial Modeling on the Relationship between Asset Society and Poverty in East Java
by Rokhana Dwi Bekti, Sutikno
JurnalMatematika&Sains, Desember 2011, Vol. 16 Nomor 3
Application of Tabu Search Method in Optimizing Clothing Pattrerns on a Piece of Cloth
by Wikaria Gazali
International Journal of Information Science and Computer Mathematics Pushpa Publishing House, India,Volume 4, Number 1, 2011,pp 19-27, ISSN 1829-4969
Designing Application Programs Sheet Music Using Fast Fourier Transform Method
by Wikaria Gazali, Djunaidy Santoso
IAENG, Hong Kong, Proceedings of IMECS 2011 ISBN : 978-988-19251-2-1, ISSN : 2078-0958
A Navigation System for Service Robot using Stereo Vision and Kalman Filtering
by Widodo Budiharto, A. Santoso, D. Purwanto, A. Jazidie
11th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems , Kintex, Korea, pp. 1771-1776, 2011
ISSN :2093-7121
A Robust Obstacle Avoidance for Service Robot using Bayesian Approach
by Widodo Budiharto, Purwanto D., Jazidie A.
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Intech Publisher, vol 8(1), 2011
ISSN 1729-8806
A method for Path Planning Strategy and Navigation for Service Robot
by Widodo Budiharto, Santoso A, Purwanto D., Jazidie A.
International Journal of Behavioral Robotics, vol 2(2), 2011
Multiple Moving Obstacles Avoidance of Service Robot using Stereo Vision
by Widodo Budiharto, Santoso A., Purwanto D., Jazidie A.
Telkomnika Journal, Vol 9 no.3 , 2011
Cache Server Berbasis SQUID Dengan Dukungan Caching Konten Dinamis
by Bayu Kanigoro, Gregorio Alfonso Martin, Reza Andrian Pitojo, James Apriando
Prosiding SESINDO, Desember 2011
Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Manajemen Klaim Berbasis Web dan Aplikasi Blackberry
by Bayu Kanigoro, Andy Wijaya, C. N. Firmana, Astari Jusman
Comtech., Vol. 2., No. 2., Desember 2011
Analisis dan Pembuatan Sistem Pengenalan Sidik Jari Berbasis Komputer di Polda Metro Jaya
by Wikaria Gazali, Alexander Agung Santoso Gunawan
Seminar Nasional Matematika UNPAR 2011 ISSN : 1907-3909
Penggabungan Konsep Web 2.0 dan Mashup dalam Pembuatan Situs Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Provinsi DKI Jakarta
by Bayu Kanigoro, Jurike V. Moniaga, Rhezandra Priatama, Konrad Bangun Pratomo, Dimas Eko Adityo
Comtech., Vol. 2., No. 2., Juni 2011
Solusi Khusus Persamaan Diferensial Biasa dengan Metode Baru (Metode Keseimbangan)
by Wikaria Gazali, Sangadji , 2011
Hibah Fundamental DIKTI
Aplikasi Penunjuk Pointer Berbasiskan Gerakan Mata
by Fredy Purnomo, Josephine Klara, Stanley Audrey Kosasih, Victor Kurnia, 2011
Hibah Bersaing DIKTI
Book: Aneka Proyek Mikrokontroler
by Widodo Budiharto
Penerbit Panduan Utama Untuk Riset/TA, Graha Ilmu, 2011