Oleh :  Asiani Novia Utami, Aditya Nugroho, Lusiana Pratiwi, Violitta Yesmaya

The purpose of this research is to provide information about the importance of garbage sorting using an android based smartphone game application titled “Mr. Garbage-Man”. This application will consist of an education and an entertainment element. The education element is obtained by learning the many types of garbage and their recycling methods throughout the game, while the entertainment factor can be gained from the interactive media provided by the game to help the user to learn about the topic in a fun way. The methods used in this research are the analysis and design methods. The analysis method consists of data collecting through questionnaires, literature study, and similar game comparison, while the design method uses the scrum method. The result of this research will be in a form of an android based gaming application that can provide and help the user to understand basic information of garbage sorting. This application will also feature an encyclopedia as a learning support.

 Keywords: android, game, recycle, scrum.