1st International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Intelligence (ICCSCI) 2015
SoCS berhasil mengadakan konferensi internasional pada tanggal 24-26 Agustus 2015. Konferensi ini merupakan konferensi internasional pertama yang diadakan oleh SoCS. Bertindak sebagai general chair dari konferensi ini adalah Dr. Widodo Budiharto, S.Si., M.Kom. yang juga merupakan peneliti di SoCS di bidang kecerdasan buatan dan robotika. Tema dari konferensi internasional ini adalah “Capturing the Role of Computer Science and Information Technology in Our Ubiquitous Era”
Konferensi internasional yang diberi nama International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Intelligence (ICCSCI) ini merupakan sebuah forum internasional bagi semua peneliti dan ilmuwan untuk mempresentasikan hasil penelitian mereka khususnya di bidang Computer Science dan Computational Intelligence. Konferensi ini menyambut semua penulis terpilih untuk menyampaikan penelitian dan ide mereka dan untuk berbagi pengetahuan dengan seluruh peneliti dari seluruh dunia. Dua bidang yang dipresentasikan mencakup aplikasi maupun penelitian yang sedang dikerjakan oleh para peneliti. (http://socs.binus.ac.id/iccsci/)
ICCSCI2015 menerima 102 paper submission dari 7 negara. Dari keseluruhan submission tersebut, 69 paper diterima untuk dipresentasikan di konferensi yang diadakan di Kampus Anggrek Universitas Bina Nusantara Jakarta ini. Konferensi ini mengundang 3 pembicara utama yang sudah menggeluti penelitian di bidang Computer Science dan Computational Intelligence cukup lama, yaitu:
- Prof. Dr. Eng. Chiharu Ishii dari Hosei University, Jepang
- Prof. Dr. Habibollah Haron dari Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
- Hisar Maruli Manurung, Ph.D dari Universitas Indonesia
Seluruh paper yang dipresentasikan di ICCSCI2015 dipublikasikan di Procedia Computer Science (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/18770509) yang diindeks juga oleh Scopus. Dari seluruh paper yang dipresentasikan tersebut, dipilih 1 paper terbaik berdasarkan hasil review dan 14 pemakalah terbaik yang didasarkan pada bagaimana pemakalah mempresentasikan karyanya pada saat parallel session.
Pemakalah terbaik di ICCSCI2015 adalah sebagai berikut:
- Gulnara R. Shakirova
- Budi Yulianto
- Mellisa Pratiwi
- Rhio Sutoyo
- Mehrnaz Moudi
- Azani Cempaka Sari
- Anath Rau Krishnan
- Made Edwin Wira Putra
- Cagatay Catal
- Raymond Kosala
- Ida Nurhaida
- Erlin
- Fidelson Tanzil
- Wiedjaja Atmadja
Paper terbaik di ICCSCI2015 adalah:
Judul: “Greedy Zero Algorithms for Conflict-Free Scheduling in Low Stage Interconnection Network”
Penulis: Mehrnaz Moudi, Mohamed Othman
ICCSCI2015 diadakan selama 3 hari, terbagi menjadi 2 hari konferensi di Kampus Anggrek, kemudian dilanjutkan 1 hari excursion menuju Monumen Nasional dan Museum Gajah di kawasan Jakarta Pusat. Seluruh dokumentasi dari acara ICCSCI2015 tersedia online di Fan Page Facebook ICCSCI2015 (https://www.facebook.com/iccsci2015?fref=ts)
SoCS has successfully held an international conference in 24-26 August, 2015. The conference is the first ever international conference organized by SoCS. As the general chair of the conference is Dr. Widodo Budiharto, S.Si., M.Kom. who is also a researcher in SoCS in field of intelligent system and robotics. Theme of this conference is “Capturing the Role of Computer Science and Information Technology in Our Ubiquitous Era”
The 1st International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Intelligence (ICCSCI 2015) is an international forum for researchers, engineers and scientists to present their knowledge of technological advances and research in the fields of Computer Science, and Computational Intelligence. The conference warmly welcomes prospected authors to submit their research and idea, and to share the valuable experiences with the scientists and scholars around the world. Two related tracks will be held, covering both applications and current research work. (http://socs.binus.ac.id/iccsci/)
ICCSCI2015 received 102 paper submission from 7 countries. From the whole submissions, 69 papers were accepted to be presented in the conference which was held in Anggrek Campus Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta. ICCSCI2015 invited 3 keynote speakers who have been researchers in field of Computer Science and Computational Intelligence for a quite long time; they are:
- Prof. Dr. Eng. Chiharu Ishii from Hosei University, Japan
- Prof. Dr. Habibollah Haron from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
- Hisar Maruli Manurung, Ph.D from University of Indonesia
All the presented papers in ICCSCI2015 have been published in Procedia Computer Science (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/18770509) which is also indexed by Scopus. From the whole presented papers, 1 best paper was selected based on the review result and 14 best presenters were selected based on their performance during presenting their papers on parallel sessions.
Best presenters of ICCSCI2015 are:
- Gulnara R. Shakirova
- Budi Yulianto
- Mellisa Pratiwi
- Rhio Sutoyo
- Mehrnaz Moudi
- Azani Cempaka Sari
- Anath Rau Krishnan
- Made Edwin Wira Putra
- Cagatay Catal
- Raymond Kosala
- Ida Nurhaida
- Erlin
- Fidelson Tanzil
- Wiedjaja Atmadja
Best paper in ICCSCI2015 is:
Title: “Greedy Zero Algorithms for Conflict-Free Scheduling in Low Stage Interconnection Network”
Authors: Mehrnaz Moudi, Mohamed Othman
ICCSCI2015 was held in 3 days, it consisted 2 days conference in Anggrek Campus and 1 day excursion to Monumen Nasional (Monas) dan Museum Gajah in Central Jakarta area. All the documentations of ICCSCI2015 have been online in Facebook Fan Page of ICCSCI2015 (https://www.facebook.com/iccsci2015?fref=ts)