The 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Intelligence (ICCSCI) is annual forum for researchers, engineers and scientist to disseminate their knowledge and research on Computer Science, Computational Intelligence and Information Technology. The conference warmly welcomes prospected authors to submit their research and idea to ICCSCI 2018, and share the valuable experiences with the scientist and scholars around the world. ICCSCI 2018 is organized by School of Computer Science, and will be held on:

Here is our: Program_book

The accepted papers of ICCSCI 2018 are already published in Procedia Computer Science and can be accessed in below link:

Papers from ICCSCI 2015 has been indexed in Scopus and published in Procedia Computer Science :

Papers from ICCSCI 2017 has been indexed in Scopus and published in Procedia Computer Science :

Download our poster

Keynote Speakers

Prof Dr Fabrice Meriaudeau
Burgundy University, Le2i – Laboratoire Electronique, Informatique et Image, France
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Director of Institute of Health and Analytics, Malaysia

Dr Eng. M. Ivan Fanany
Head of Machine Learning and Computer Vision Lab, University of Indonesia

Industrial Speakers

Mr. On Lee
CEO & CTO at GDP Labs and
CTO of GDP Venture.