Course Structure for Binusian 2028

Sem Code Course Name SCU Total
1 CHAR6013049 Character Building: Pancasila 2 20
COMP6047049 Algorithm and Programming2 (AOL) 4/2
MATH6031049 Calculus 4
MATH6025049 Discrete Mathematics1 4
STAT6152049 Introduction to Data Science2 2
COMP6798049 Program Design Methods1 (AOL) 2
Foreign Language Courses 0
2 CHAR6014049 Character Building: Kewarganegaraan 2 20
COMP6048049 Data Structures1&2 (AOL) 4/2
MATH6030049 Linear Algebra1 2
MATH6191049 Advanced Calculus1 4
STAT6171049 Basic Statistics 2
ENTR6510001 Entrepreneurship: Prototyping 2
LANG6027049 Indonesian 2
Foreign Language Courses 0
3 SCIE6063049 Computational Physics (AOL) 2/1 24
COMP6708049 Object Oriented Programming 2/2
STAT6166049 Survey and Sampling Methods1 4
MATH6144049 Advanced Linear Algebra1 2
STAT6185049 Theory of Statistics I  (AOL) 4
MATH6183049 Scientific Computing (AOL) 2/1
STAT6157049 Data Mining and Visualization1&2 (AOL) 2
STAT6037049 Non Parametric Statistics 2
Foreign Language Courses 0
4 SCIE6062049 Computational Biology 2/1 24
CPEN6247049 Computer Networks (AOL) 2/1
COMP6799049 Database Technology** (AOL) 2/1
STAT6193049 Theory of Statistics II *   4
COMP6065049 Artificial Intelligence** (AOL) 4
MATH6221049 Machine Learning1&2 (AOL) 2
CHAR6015049 Character Building: Agama 2
STAT6048049 Regression Analysis1  (AOL) 2/1
Foreign Language Courses 0
5 COMP6738049 Web Programming 2 23
COMP6800049 Human and Computer Interaction2 (AOL) 2/1
COMP6049049 Algorithm Design and Analysis1 (AOL) 4
STAT6011049 Design and Analysis of Experiments1&2 (AOL) 4
STAT6162049 Bayesian Data Analysis 2
MATH6165049 Deep Learning and Optimization Methods1 4
STAT6044049 Categorical Data Analysis1 (AOL) 2
STAT6158049 Data Management and Organization 2
6 COMP6100049 Software Engineering2 (AOL) 4 24
COMP6697049 Operating System (AOL) 2
STAT6053049 Multivariate Statistics1&2 (AOL) 4
STAT6215049 Time Series Analysis1&2 2/2
STAT6036049 Stochastic Process1 4
MATH6178049 Text Mining 2
STAT6159049 Big Data Infrastructure and Technology 2
STAT6196049 Spatial Statistics 2
7 ENTR6511001 Entrepreneurship: Market Validation 2 21
COMP6062049 Compilation Techniques 4
COMP6696049 Research Methodology in Computer Science1 (AOL) 2
STAT6197049 Econometrics1&2 2/1
STAT6181049 Financial and Actuarial Science1 4
MATH6166049 Data Security 2
Free Electives 4
8 Enrichment Program 20 20
9 STAT6188049 Pre-Thesis 2 6
STAT6189049 Thesis 4
STAT6030049 Thesis 6
Total Credits 182 SCU

1) This course is delivered in English
2) Global Learning System Course

-) (AOL) - Assurance of Learning Process System

 Free Electives:
-) For Free Electives, students are required to choose from the list of Free Electives in Appendix.

 Foreign Language Courses:
Students will take foreign language courses according to BINUS University English proficiency test results. See foreign language courses appendix for the details. Students must pass with a minimum Grade of C.

 Pre-thesis (2 SCU) & Thesis (4 SCU) can be taken in the 7th and/or 8th semester by the students who meet the requirements from the Study Program/Program

Appendix: Free Electives (7th Semester)
Because free electives will be implemented on the 7th semester, data will be collected from Curriculum 2025

Enrichment Program (8th Semester):
-) Student will take one of enrichment program tracks (off campus). See enrichment appendix for the tracks detail.

Enrichment Track Scheme

Track Semester 8
1 v
2 v
3 v
4 v
5 v
6 v


IN            : Certified Internship
RS          : Certified Research
EN          : Certified Entrepreneurship
CD          : Certified Community Development
SA           : Certified Study Abroad
IS            : Certified Specific Independent Study
etc           : Study Program Special Purposes

Student will take one of enrichment program tracks