Vision & Mission
Program Objective
Expected Learning Outcomes
Prospective Career of The Graduate
Course Structure
Quality Controlled Examination (UPM)

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The contribution of interdisciplinary study is becoming increasingly integrated in our society. It’s due to collect more data easier about ourselves and our environment in today’s world. The interdisciplinary study concerned with the finding of insight from large volumes of unstructured data is called as Data Science. The combination of Mathematics and Computer Science into one study program is intended to maximize the capabilities of the students to get insight in data produced by current technology. This study program has high practical relevance, as the insight from abundant data is an important economic activity. For example, data science techniques can be used for maintaining an information model of the dynamic environment, based on things like real-time sensor data. The program can be completed within 4 - 4.5 years. Furthermore, to provide work experience for students, there are industrial internships, interesting research or entrepreneurship programs for 1 semester.   Catalog 2017/ B2021 (PDF), Catalog 2018/ B2022 (PDF), Catalog 2019/ B2023 (PDF), Catalog 2020/ B2024 (PDF), Catalog 2021/ B2025 (PDF), Catalog 2022/ B2026 (PDF), Catalog 2023/ B2027 (PDF), Catalog 2024/ B2028 (PDF)


A World Class study program by providing excellent educational experiences in Computational Mathematics, Fostering and Empowering the Society in Serving and Building the Nation.


The mission of Computer Science and Mathematics Program is to contribute to the global community through the provision of world-class education by:
  1. Educating students to effectively apply their educational experiences in Computational Mathematics to solve real-world problems.
  2. Preparing our graduates to develop exemplary soft skills & technical skills required as ICT professionals, leaders and entrepreneurs in global market.
  3. Promoting high impact research that contributes to the nation.
  4. Fostering BINUSIAN as lifelong learners through self-enrichment.
  5. Empowering BINUSIAN to continuously improve society’s quality of life.

Program Objective

The objectives of the program are:
  1. Graduates will become successful professionals in ICT fields;
  2. Graduates will obtain employment in global companies or become entrepreneurs;
  3. Graduates will obtain professional certification or continue their study to the postgraduate level;
  4. Graduate will have ability to pursue higher degree of education.

Student Outcomes

After completing the study, graduates are:
  1. Able to analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions
  2. Able to design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of computer science
  3. Able to communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts
  4. Able to recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles
  5. Able to function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to computer science
  6. Able to apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions
  7. Able to explore, logical reasoning, generalization abstraction, and formal proof in formulating and model problems with specific variables and assumptions through mathematical approach with or without mathematical software.
  8. Able to develop mathematical models of problems and analyze their performance and draw contextual conclusions
  9. Able to conduct data science project flow to solve real business and industry problems
  10. Able to develop software by implementing mathematical models.
  11. Able to apply interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in developing alternative solutions for problem-solving

Prospective Career of the Graduates

The graduates of the double study program Mathematics and Computer Science can follow careers in:

  1. Specialist in specific kinds of data, such as natural language text, image data, geographic data, sensor data, networked data
  2. Designer of smart devices or smart services
  3. Designer of data science algorithms
  4. Multi-disciplinary researcher or educator
  5. Data Scientist or business analyst

Course Structure for Binusian 2028

Sem Code Course Name SCU Total
1 CHAR6013016 Character Building: Pancasila 2 20
COMP6047016 Algorithm and Programming2 (AOL) 4/2
MATH6031016 Calculus 4
MATH6025016 Discrete Mathematics1 4
STAT6152016 Introduction to Data Science2 (AOL) 2
COMP6798016 Program Design Methods1 (AOL) 2
Foreign Language Courses 0
2 CHAR6014016 Character Building: Kewarganegaraan 2 20
COMP6048016 Data Structures1&2 (AOL) 4/2
MATH6189016 Advanced Calculus I1 4
MATH6030016 Linear Algebra1&2 2
STAT6171016 Basic Statistics 2
LANG6027016 Indonesian 2
ENPR6311001 Creativity and Innovation 2
Foreign Language Courses 0
3 CHAR6015016 Character Building: Agama 2 24
MATH6183016 Scientific Computing (AOL) 2/1
COMP6708016 Object Oriented Programming 2/2
MATH6190016 Advanced Calculus II1 (AOL) 4
MATH6144016 Advanced Linear Algebra1 (AOL) 2
MATH6008016 Mathematical Statistics I 4
SCIE6063016 Computational Physics (AOL) 2/1
STAT6157016 Data Mining and Visualization1 (AOL) 2
Foreign Language Courses 0
4 MATH6220016 Graph Theory and Network 2 24
CPEN6247016 Computer Networks (AOL) 2/1
COMP6799016 Database Technology2 (AOL) 2/1
MATH6146016 Complex Variable Function1&2 2
MATH6186016 Mathematical Statistics II 4
COMP6065016 Artificial Intelligence2 (AOL) 4
MATH6187016 Machine Learning1&2 (AOL) 2/1
SCIE6062016 Computational Biology 2/1
Foreign Language Courses 0
5 COMP6737016 Geographical Information System1 2 24
COMP6800016 Human and Computer Interaction2 (AOL) 2/1
COMP6049016 Algorithm Design and Analysis1 (AOL) 4
COMP6051016 Web Programming 2/1
MATH6188016 Differential Equations1&2 (AOL) 4
MATH6064016 Applied Projective Geometry 2
MATH6165016 Deep Learning and Optimization Methods1&2 (AOL) 4
STAT6158016 Data Management and Organization1 2
6 MATH6021016 Real Analysis1 4 22
COMP6697016 Operating System (AOL) 2
MATH6151016 Computational Geometry 2
COMP6100016 Software Engineering2 (AOL) 4
MATH6178016 Text Mining 2
MATH6018016 Modern Algebra1&2 (AOL) 4
MATH6069016 Applied Mathematics Modeling1 2
STAT6159016 Big Data Infrastructure and Technology1 2
7 ENPR6312001 Venture Creation 2 22
COMP6062016 Compilation Techniques 4
COMP6696016 Research Methodology in Computer Science1 (AOL) 2
MATH6168016 Computer Vision 2/2
MATH6154016 Speech and Audio Processing 2
MATH6166016 Data Security2 2
MATH6208016 Computational Number Theory 2
Free Electives 4
8 Enrichment Program 20 20
9 MATH6179016 Pre-Thesis 2 6
MATH6180016 Thesis 4
MATH6091016 Thesis 6

Total Credits 182 SCU

1) This course is delivered in English
2)  Global Learning Systems Course

-) (AOL) - Assurance of Learning Process System

Free Electives:
-) For Free Electives, students are required to choose from the list of Free Electives in Appendix.

Foreign Language Courses:
Students will take foreign language courses according to Beelingua Placement Test results. See foreign language courses appendix for the details. Students must pass with a minimum Grade of C.

 Pre-thesis (2 SCU) & Thesis (4 SCU) can be taken in the 7th and/or 8th semester by the students who meet the requirements from the Study Program/Program

Appendix: Free Electives (7th Semester)
Students will receive information about Free Electives during the registration period.

Enrichment Program (8th Semester):
-) Student will take one of enrichment program tracks (off campus). See enrichment appendix for the tracks detail.

Enrichment Track Scheme

Track Semester 8
1 v
2 v
3 v
4 v
5 v
6 v


IN            : Certified Internship
RS          : Certified Research
EN          : Certified Entrepreneurship
CD          : Certified Community Development
SA           : Certified Study Abroad
IS            : Certified Specific Independent Study
etc           : Study Program Special Purposes

Prerequisites for Binusian 2028

There is no prerequisite for this program

Quality Controlled Courses for Binusian 2028

Student should pass all of these quality controlled courses as listed below:
No Course Code Course Name Minimal Grade
1. CHAR6013016 Character Building: Pancasila B
2. ENPR6312001 Venture Creation C
3. COMP6047016 Algorithm and Programming* C
4. COMP6798016 Program Design Methods* C
5. COMP6048016 Data Structures* C
6. MATH6183016 Scientific Computing* C
7. MATH6190016 Advanced Calculus II* C
8. STAT6157016 Data Mining and Visualization C
9. MATH6187016 Machine Learning C
10. COMP6799016 Database Technology C
11. MATH6188016 Differential Equations* C
12. COMP6100016 Software Engineering* C
13. COMP6697016 Operating System C
14. MATH6018016 Modern Algebra C
*) Tutorial