Serah Terima Jabatan Kepengurusan HIMTI 2019 kepada Kepengurusan HIMTI 2020
National Data Science Challenge Organized by Shopee Indonesia With the Collaboration With BINUS University
Tim GAT Juara 1 Pada Kompetisi Multimedia and Game Event (MAGE) 5
Statistical Project for Smart Student 2019
Career Talk In IT With SoCS Alumni @Binus Kemanggisan
Career Talk In IT With SoCS Alumni @Binus Alam Sutera
Industry Visit Cyber Security Students ke Gojek
Studi Banding Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Angkatan Laut Surabaya (STTAL Surabaya) Dengan Cyber Security BINUS University
Seminar Emurgo : Blockchain Education with Emurgo